Easiest nancy drew game
Easiest nancy drew game

heck, let's get started then! It's MYSTERY TIME. Moreso because I'm keeping this text file, to write down CLUES and STUFF. My inner ten year old girl is clearly -super hype- about this. In retrospect I'm not sure why I wasn't buying these games from the start. To Young Me, Nancy Drew was like Spider-Man except she didn't get punched, do much punching or wear a costume. She had her own car, she knew fucking everything, she got away with talking to adults like they were morons, and she solved every case not by luck or punching people out but by just plain BEING AWESOME. Like THIS one! Now that the backstory is out of the way, I can make my shameful secret confession: I am -so totally pumped- about playing this game! Eeee, Nancy Drew you guys! Nancy Drew was -awesome- when I was a kid. On the other hand, I now have several Nancy Drew games I've never played. Now you know why I have too goddamn many video games: POOR IMPULSE CONTROL and also THE ABILITY TO FEEL EMOTIONS. So when the 20-pack Summer Sale Collection of Nancy Drew pointyclickies came up this year on Steam, I made a face of happy and made a noise like "hurrrdowant" and I bought that package. I promised myself, when there came a time I had the funds, I -would- pay for that game. Given this entry's subject line, you can likely guess: It was a Nancy Drew title. So I got on the internet and pirated a game I'd never -buy- obviously, because it was so utterly beneath me. There came a time a year or two back when I desperately needed some PUZZLES to click on. Like all addicts, however, I have been lazy and indulgent. That's not a hipsterish smugface or anything, just fact. I've played adventure games most people have never heard of, first and third person, dialogue heavy and silent save for the "you can't do that" clunk.

easiest nancy drew game

Learned to read from text adventures, beat King's Quest as a tiny marketable child version of m'self, spent months working through Monkey Island and Last Crusade and Fate of Atlantis and whatnot. Point-and-click-em-ups, the difficult stuff. I am something of an adventure game addict. Gather around and gather in close, because what I have to say now is only for you, and for the eight or nine people who wander in from Livejournal at large every now and then, and for anyone who ever googles me for any reason ever.

easiest nancy drew game

11:33 pm - In Which I Almost Get Started - Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake

Easiest nancy drew game